

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Xth International Wassard Elea Symposium CFP

The Concept of Example

May 22-25, 2020
Ascea, Italy

~call for papers~

The question ”Are There Counterexamples to Aesthetic Theories of Art?”, raised by Nick Zangwill (JAAC, 2002), hasn’t made deep marks, and we invite proper analyses, expansions and interpretations. A counterexample is after all just an example and examples are legion as are samples, instances, cases, and so on, but what exactly is the logic of ‘example’? What’s the matter with examples? Do examples matter? Examples are deployed in many ways, e.g. to confirm, support, disconfirm, explain, clarify, illustrate, teach, and more. Do they? If they do, how is that? Why are examples taken to be so consequential? Why so prominent in practically speaking all the sciences, human and natural? If a thing (person, work, event, or other) is unique, how could it be an example of something? If it is “one of a kind”, what is the kind? This call is for fresh and detailed examinations of the logic of the concept of ‘example’.

The Xth International Wassard Elea Symposium is dedicated to investigation of this most frequent element in reasoning. We seek to engage philosophers and scholars in a conceptual analysis of what it means to be an example (good, bad, irrelevant, paradigm, etc.).

Wassard Elea invites philosophers and aestheticians to submit papers on the topic of this year’s theme. Sessions of 90 min. include speaker, commentator and open discussion (40/20/30). Participants whose papers are accepted are expected to also prepare a commentary on another presentation at the meeting. All suitable contributions are published in our journal, Wassard Elea Rivista.

Inquiries are welcome. Full papers (attached in format: word) should be sent directly to organizers: Prof. Lars Aagaard-Mogensen, Italy:, or Prof. Jane Forsey, University of Winnipeg, Canada:

Deadline for submissions: February 15, 2020.

There is no registration fee; participants will receive details about base rate accommodations in due course.

Wassard Elea
Refugium for writers, artists, composers, and scholars in Southern Italy