

Sunday, December 20, 2015

(“There is an awful lot of ugliness in this world”)

June 17-20, 2016
Ascea, Italy

~Call for Papers~

While it is probably true that there is an awful lot of ugliness in the world, the intelligent treatment in fact, theory, and judgement – in the precise mapping and conceptualization of this and its kin features – is not a whole lot. The scant mention here and there in the literature hardly exhausts, let alone provides, a firm contemporary grasp of the objects, experiences and judgements of what is ugly, unpleasant, horrid or revolting. Can one have “pure” aesthetic experiences of these, free from cognitive or moral presuppositions and implications? How, if at all, does ugliness contrast with the beautiful? And exactly how does the ugly affect the quality of life?

Wassard Elea invites philosophers and aestheticians, critics and theorists, to submit papers on any topic in this area for the 6th WE international symposium. Sessions of 90 min. include speaker, commentator, and discussion (40/20/30). Participants whose papers are accepted are expected to also provide commentary on another presentation during the meeting. All suitable contributions will be published in our quarterly journal, Wassard Elea Rivista.

Inquiries and proposals are welcome. Full papers (in English) are to be submitted to Professor Lars Aagaard-Mogensen, Via La Chiazzetta 27, I-84046 Ascea (Sa), Italy. Emailed submissions, word format, are welcome at:

Deadline for papers: March 31, 2016.

Information on registration and accommodations will be posted in advance of the date.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

"Jazz & Poesie" soirée

WE held "Jazz & Poesie" soirée, again at full steam, Cilentan food, & matching high spirits, this time in Massa on Oct.10. Hugh Steinmetz (tp), Raffaele Amenta(cl), Vagn Leick (p) & Gianluca Guida (b); speech by Antonio di Sevo and the incomparable story rendions by Mirko Ferra.

“Jazz & Poetry” soirée (26 Oct. 2014)

WE held “Jazz & Poetry” soirée in Vallo della Lucania with music by Hugh Steinmetz (tp), Antonio De Luise (p) & Gianluca Guida (b), and readings by Maddalene DeLeo, Antonio Di Sevo, Vittorio Ricci & Mirko Ferra.